If you deal with persistent pain, chances are that you’ve searched high and low for different methods of treatment to ease your discomfort. Sometimes you might find yourself growing bored with your normal workout or physical therapy routine. When this happens, it’s easy to fall into the habit of not getting in any exercise at all.
There are tons of unique ways to make sure you’re staying on top of your health, and they don’t all involve lifting weights at the gym! One great way to stay healthy and keep your pain symptoms at bay is through yoga-based rehab.
Bullhead Physical Therapy in Bullhead City, AZ offers yoga-based rehab to all of our patients who may be searching for an alternative way to stay in shape or manage a chronic condition. Yoga therapy adapts the practice of yoga to the needs of patients with specific or persistent health problems that would not be addressed in a regular group class. To learn more about our yoga services, call us today.
What is yoga-based rehabilitation?
When you hear the term “yoga” you most likely think of group classes guided in a studio by an instructor. Many people do not realize that yoga-based rehabilitation is different, and it can actually benefit people living with pain conditions.
Yoga-based rehabilitation at Bullhead Physical Therapy involves the implementation of a personalized treatment plan. Within this treatment plan are specific yoga poses and exercises that are geared towards a person’s pain condition in order to help alleviate their discomfort in a safe, non-invasive manner.
Conditions yoga-based rehab can help
Depending on the condition, disability, or illness, yoga-based rehabilitation can serve as a means to manage or completely heal a patient. Yoga is a very self-empowering activity, and one of the best forms of exercise available.
Yoga-based rehab can be a great option for individuals dealing with:
- Injuries
- Disabilities
- Effects of aging
- Diabetes
- Muscular skeletal problems
- High blood pressure
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Obesity
- Other chronic conditions
This kind of therapy offers specific yoga poses and postures which can even help soothe back pain and reduce stress.
Yoga-based rehab is also used for the management of mental and emotional health. You can expect each session to involve controlled breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation techniques alongside yoga poses, to help manage pain conditions and keep you feeling great.
Ready to learn more?
There are tons of benefits to yoga-based rehabilitation, even if you choose to exercise at home on your own using the techniques taught to you by your therapist. Contact our office today to learn more about Bullhead Physical Therapy’s yoga-based therapy program and how it can help you stay fit and healthy!